Monday 15 August 2011

The glorious 12th!


If you're a regular reader of my wee blog, you'd be forgiven for thinking that I've been on my holidays this past fortnight - all this time and no updates! Truth is, I've been all over Glasgow (and beyond!) speaking to carers' groups about 'Tommy on Tour' and asking more people to write letters. I might not be on the TV right now, but you can be sure that I'm keeping busy.

Lots of people have been asking me when these letters will be handed in. Well, emails are going back and forth to the Scottish Parliament and I'm hoping it'll be in the autumn. I'm also hoping that it'll be more than just handing over letters - but more about that nearer the time.

One of the best things about doing 'Tommy on Tour' is getting the chance to speak to loads of other carers. It makes me feel really humble when so many people share their personal thoughts and experiences of dementia with me - either in the letters or when we chat. I spent a long time feeling alone as a carer. Isolated. Cut off from all the people I used to know and the things I used to do. Now I know that lots of carers feel like that - and it's not right. Carers shouldn't have to feel that they're on their own. I hope the people who finally read all these letters will see how important it is to make carers' lives easier.

Last Friday I was at a Carers' Link meeting in East Dunbartonshire. I don't know how they found out, but a wee birdy must have told them it was my birthday. They even had a cake for me! I couldn't believe it - it brought a tear to my eye.

Thanks again, everyone and keep writing!


PS I'd like to say a quick thank you to Lynn Williams at the Princess Royal Trust for Carers. Have a look at their campaign for the 2012 Scottish local elections - Carers Votes Count (Facebook page - require login).

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